Photography <br>Art Direction

Provided guidance and creative direction on photography and styling standards across all educational and eCommerce photo needs, including lifestyle, product, and instructional.

eCom Product Photography

Beautifully stylized product that featured unique characteristics such as texture, fiber, and pattern and merchandise it in a way that was playful and eye-catching even at small scale.

eCom Project Kit Photography

Beautifully stylized finished projects that intrigue and inspire users, and promote the sale of product kits. Goal was to convey apparel and projects in realistic forms, both models and environment.

Class Photography

  • Beautiful, clear professional photography of projects, class items and works in progress that intrigue and inspire members to learn a new skill and purchase a class.
  • Clearly showcase what the instructor is doing or how to perform a technique in soft, bright light. Process photography visually represents key technique takeaways and supports established selling points.
  • Document the instructor within the Craftsy teaching environment, showcasing them as a professional, friendly and engaging personality with whom our members will want to share their class experience.

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